September 18, 2024

Mindset Training

Mindset Training

With powerful mindset techniques used by the pros, we train teen athletes to be mentally prepared for competition, performance, and life. Through interactive techniques, activities, and visualizations, we help athletes develop and enhance their mental skills to perform at their highest levels. 

Imagine how you will feel when you show up and perform at your best!

Applying the Power-Boards techniques will get you there. 


  • Sport is 100% mental, according to several sports experts (Dr. Doug Gardners, Dr. Chris Stankovich, Coach Blaise).
  • Mental training can help athletes stay focused and motivated, even when faced with difficult circumstances; research has demonstrated that mental training activities such as visualization and self-talk can improve performance (Source: Marar et al., 2018).
  • Visualization can be a powerful tool for athletes to visualize success in their sport and build confidence; research has shown that using visualization techniques leads to improved performance (Source: Beller & Gucciardi, 2011).
  • Regular self-talk has been shown to improve performance as it helps athletes stay positive and gives them clear direction on what needs to be done; research indicates that regular self-talk can significantly increase athletic performance (Source: Zaichkowsky, 2017).

The key to implementing mental skills is a process I curated called the Power-Boards Method.

Power-Boards is a proven mental training system that helps athletes excel at their craft and enhance performance, boost self-esteem and motivation, reduce stress and anxiety, and create a focused mind, all of which increase confidence. 

This is a mindset program, a series of exercises, techniques, and mental training that improves focus, concentration, determination, and performance.

The Power-Boards Method will help high school athletes stay focused and in the moment, while also being physically prepared.

There are a lot of drills and workouts you can use to improve your sports performance. But if you’re serious about your training, you want to be at the top of your game in all mental, physical, and technical areas. We will help you enjoy the benefits both on and off the court/field with a variety of training services to help you master your mental game.

“What you think affects how you feel and perform.”

Gary Mack, author, “Mind Gym”

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