February 14, 2025

Demand Excellence

Demand Excellence

We believe that mental training is just as important as physical training when it comes to being successful at sports or anything else. That’s why we created the Power-Boards Method — so anyone can have confidence and clarity through access to the same techniques elite athletes use!

What is the Power-Boards Method?

Just as we train our bodies to be physically fit through drills, we also need to train our brains to be mentally fit through practice and repetition. With the Power-Boards Method, student-athletes learn how to:

• Take 100% responsibility for their results
• Clarify what they want and create a target or goal 
• Dig deep for WHY they want to achieve those goals
• Create a power mantra that speeds up their desired results
• Define their commitments and how to stick to them
• Choose images that keep the goal in the forefront of their mind

This results in:

• Improved self-confidence
• Skills for sports and beyond
• Reduced stress and anxiety levels
• Teambuilding
• Increased mental toughness
• Strategies for PMA (positive mental attitude)

Why Power-Boards Training?

The Power-Boards Method is designed to help student-athletes improve performance in life, sports, and business by educating them on demonstrated techniques that elite athletes, including college, pros, and Olympians use to enhance their performance. These techniques are then applied through interactive exercises that impress them into the subconscious mind so that change can happen.

• Enhance sporting performance, physically and mentally
• Promote intrinsic motivation 
• Strengthen decision-making skills
• Efficiently cope with competition pressures
• Effectively recover from injuries

We provide several options for Power-Boards training. Click here to learn more!

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